Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Obama-Style Poster

This is a poster that I created in the style that made the "Obama Poster" famous.
First I took a picture of myself and opened it in Photoshop. Then I changed it to black and white to make the following work a little easier. After I had all the different gray tones in the picture I chose four that I worked with. They will eventually become red, the light and the dark blue, and the bright yellow. After that I used the Posterize filter to create the poster look. Then I smoothed everything out and added some accents. Then I put in the four colors and added a outter glow like in the Obama poster. At the end I added the outter glow like in the Obama poster and a word that describes me. Done.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This is an alphabet I created. Every letter is made out of the bottle or can from a drink that starts with that letter. Some are more popular than the others.
Here is a list of the letters with the drinks I used:

A Arizona
B Becks
C Coca Cola
D Dr. Pepper
E (5 hour) Energy
F Fanta
G Gatorade
I Irn Bru
J Josta
K KFee
L Lemonade
M Mtn. Dew
N Nesquik
O Orangina
P Pepsi
Q QCarbo
R Red Bull
S Sprite
U Un-Cola (7Up)
V Vittel
W Welch’s
X X-Ray E.-Drink
Y Yazoo
Z Zip

This is a newspaper I created similar to the "World Weekly News" with funny stories about stars, entertainment, and politics. I wrote the stories and edited the pictures with Photoshop. After that I put all the pieces together in InDesign to create the shape of the newspaper.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is a magazine created with my face over the face of a cover of an already existing magazine. Then I had to add a new name, and some (funny) stories that are continued inside the magazine.
This is a picture of an opened head where all these ideas are coming out. There are 60 different little pictures that represent one idea each. We had to find 60 things we like in the internet and than we had to paste them over the head. The most difficult part is to find 60 things you like.